What our audiences say about our speaking events
Here's what our partners share about our Leadership Training & Programs

She shared insights and research on how to create your unique value proposition and to discover your “superpowers” and provided great resources for further engagement after the seminar. Her passion for her work is crystal clear—helping leaders become “fearless” in the pursuit of their career aspirations and goals. I look forward to working with her again!”

Ginny Baro - vertical_on_transparent_250_edited.png
Sarah N., Chief Operating Officer, Sports
Leadership Training & Speaking Programs
"It was such a huge value-add to have you share your insight with my leadership team. You had a lasting impact, and I received positive feedback across the board."

Ginny's workshop provided a whole host of opportunities for the members to grow. We received amazing support, through the original live event and several follow up sessions, enabling many members to take key steps identifying what they want and their next steps for their career. We also had access to a plethora of downloadable tools that were simple to use and impactful.
We are finally seeing members of our group having the means and the courage to go for the next step in their careers. It has also motivated many individuals to dream bigger about what they want while giving them the tools to help achieve those goals. The key benefits were clear; simple to use tools, clear, actionable steps, and plenty of follow up support to help put it all into action.”
-Tracy S.
“Thank you very much for presenting at the Pfizer event! The tools you provided will be helpful.”
-Tracy S.
Sara T.
“Thank you for the inspiration! We met at the Pfizer Latino Community event Mentors and Mentees!. I found your presentation very inspiring. Thank you for sharing so many of your pearls!” -
Alfredo R.
“Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us today at the Pfizer Latino Community session on Mentors and Mentees.”
Daniela C
“I attended the Pfizer Latino Community event on Mentors and Mentees [June 9, 2022] and wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the great insights you shared.”
Kimberly Z
“Ginny - thanks for the great presentation today at the Pfizer Latino Community Q&A on Mentors and Mentees!! Your program was practical and insightful. It provided an excellent framework to guide a successful mentor/mentee relationship. Plus, your personal story and how you got to where you are today were truly an inspiration! Thank you for taking the time to provide this added value program. You truly made Pfizer colleagues even better today!”
Ivan C
“Dr. Baro, I attended today’s session at the Pfizer Latino Community event on Mentors and Mentees. Thank you for presenting the necessary skills to ensure we find quality mentors and become quality mentees. It was very informative.”
-Amy J.
“Thank you, Dr. Baro! I joined the Pfizer PWR WebEx today and truly appreciate your insights and motivation. I look forward to checking out the website you provided. With Gratitude!”
Connecting after your inspiring talk at Pfizer. I love your story and purpose! I look forward to implementing your pearls of wisdom and growing myself!”
Michaela T
“Hi, Ginny! Your presentation today at Pfizer was amazing and very inspiring! I’m also a Programmer and the first in my family to get a graduate school education, so certain pieces of your past hit home for me! It’s empowering to see more women making it through tough situations and soaring high above them! It would mean a lot to have you as a professional connection!”
Sherell B
“Hi Dr. Baro, I do not believe in accidents. In the last meeting I had with my mentor, we discussed the same concepts. I’m looking forward to implementing your action plan, being consistent, and intentional. Looking forward to connecting.”
Masooma R
“Hi Ginny, Thank you for your insightful presentation, Career Success in a Virtual Environment, at Pfizer today. I loved that you had specific actions laid out as this has been a challenge for me in the past. I look forward to staying connected and what lies ahead in this program. Thanks!”
Rachel B
“Hi Dr. Baro, I just attended the Pfizer event! Wow, that was incredible. I’m looking forward to more! “
Pamela C
“The Pfizer webinar was a wonderful presentation!! Thank you very much!”
Lieseke C
“Hi Dr. Ginny, with a big smile on my face and my heart and brain bubbling, I have been attending the Pfizer PWR session with you today. You have inspired me as no one else has done in a very long time! This has been the best session on personal development! This is pure power building! Thank you very much for being a powerful inspiration!”
Kelly M
“Hi Dr. Baro, I joined the PWR session today and wanted to thank you for facilitating such an insightful panel discussion. It was incredibly motivating as I am still early in my career making connections across the company. Thank you!”
Lindsay T
“Dr. Ginny, I enjoyed your inspiring lecture at Pfizer today. Thank you for your strength and words of wisdom. I will find my “why” over the next two months.”
Julia S
“Hi Dr. Baro, I attended your PWR presentation today, and I found it extremely helpful as networking is something I've been seeking advice on. Thank you for a very valuable session!”